You can probably identify with individuals who are experiencing emotional difficulties, but are telling themselves that they will ask for help one of these days. But as the time draws closer, your heartbeat increases and you have butterflies feeling in your stomach. You know how difficult it can be to actually pick up that phone and make the appointment to seek help. Having the courage and the boldness to take the first step is the beginning of your freedom and you alone have the power to begin to set yourself free. 

Are you feeling anxious and hopeless and life seems to have no meaning or purpose? Perhaps you are stuck and feeling frustrated. How long have you been expressing your feelings to someone on a deeper level? 

Well, we at Gateway Ministries, can help you find your way out of these difficulties by giving you the support you need. We seek to be patient, non-judgemental, warm and trustworthy.


* Integrative counselling with professional counsellors. 

* Face-to-face counselling support for pre-abortion and post-abortion and miscarriages. (Please note we do not do refer for terminations).

* Bereavement counselling support to help individuals who are experiencing losses and grief.

* CureByNature Discovery Programmes. (This is to assist others in overcoming depression, reducing the stress level, anxiety, anger prevention and reduces cancers and dietabetes We also host individual and group sessions).

* Changes That Restore Seminars. (This is a journey to experience freedom and emotional wellness. 

* We host workshops and seminars in Sheffield community on topics such as Explore Ways to Restore Interpersonal Relationships (friend and family).

* Opportunities for you to attend emotional health and prayer conferences across the country.
* Life in Recovery Programmes (to assist others in working on their addiction problem).

* Workshops for couples using the PREPARE/ENRICH Programme before and after marriage.

* Plant-based Diet Cooking Demo. (This is to help people to select from a wide choice of foods for the brain that contains nutritious properties to enhance brain function). 

* Lifestyle resources such as DVDs on how to cook vegan and vegetarian dishes; psychological self-help work books; nutrition and healthy lifestyle books; DVDs on health conditions such as stress, diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. Children and adult Bible story books, Christian games and puzzles for children and adults. Health magazines and others. We also supply for shops individuals, friends and family. 

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